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We know buying stuff online is not as easy as popping into an SM Store and letting your fingers do the pointing and the buying.


That's why we'll try to make the experience as enjoyable and as painless as possible.


That's why we'll make sure our unqiue and compelling merchandise make the agony (if any) worthwhile.


Here's how you can own the exciting gifts we have on our site.


1. Select the items that thrill you the most and send the list via Private Message to this FB page: . 

 You can also email your orders to:


 We've also activated a TEXT-only mobile line: +63909265316


  (If you wish, you can get in touch with us through those links to get answers on any questions you may have.)


2. Pay through our bank. We will give you the details once we get your orders.


3. Be patient. Some orders will take 3 days to deliver. Additionally, because we are dealing with passionate artisans, some can take a maximum of 7 days to get to you.


4. All sales are final. When you pay us, we pay our artisans immediately. We put imense value to the term "starving artists".


5. We have yet to learn the ropes when it comes to international sales... BUT - we'll patiently and methodically work with you to find ways and means to also delight you... if you're an overseas buyer.


6. We are in business to please you - to get a 2nd, a 3rd, a 12th order from you. We will never shortchange you. Ever.

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